Saturday, September 26, 2015

Object oriented principles - S.O.L.I.D.

August 28, 2015

做程序员第一次认识到自己对好多问题没有仔细学习过, 程序写好了, 就算了! 读了那么多年的博士, 没有养成学者的好习惯. 多动脑, 多动手, 多向大家学习, 才能有提高. 五年的程序员, 我的时间都到哪去了?

做了面向对象编程, 今天第一次开始读下面的文章. SOLID principles:
·        S – Single-responsiblity principle
·        O – Open-closed principle
·        L – Liskov substitution principle
·        I – Interface segregation principle
·        D – Dependency Inversion Principle


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Study time - watch video about programming

Sept. 23, 2015

Spent 1 hour to watch the video - Effective Java - Still Effective After All These Years

It is a good entertainment to watch the above video, I really enjoyed the watch. I knew that it is lazy to learn from watching, better to challenge myself to write my own blog, and build up my experience to contribute actively in this technology world.

So, choose a video to watch every day. Enjoy the learning.

Julia likes to know more about google people management –